Ben Moren is a place for media dead-drops. To use it, drag and drop a supported file onto this page, or copy and paste a media url into the box. When you share a piece of media, you get to see the previous user's share. No files are stored long term. It's a one time, anonymous share for the next user. You give one, you get one. takes a new look at the rapid rate at which media is shared on social media platforms. Social sharing is often a one-to-many experience where share counts become more important than intimacy of engaging traditional media directly with another person. With, a user who shares something is assured that their media will be seen by one person, they are then rewarded for their thoughtful share by receiving the media that the previous user shared. This creates an intimate one-to-one experience, but maintains the anonymity and informality that a typical social media share provides. a collaborative project with Derek Anderson
2013 – 2018
website; node.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript